BSG gen fic recs

Baltar  Billy  Boomer  Cally  Gaeta  Helo  Kara  Lee  Sharon  Tyrol  Ensemble  Original Characters  Other 

Links will open in a window / Stories are rated from PG- NC 17

"Are You There, Cylon God? It's Me, Gaius." by jennyo PG 13 -- Gaius Baltar's ongoing letter-writing campaign with God.

"Blind, Deaf and Dumb" by Jessie PG 13 -- The things Billy isn't and the things he is.

"Time to Kill the King" by SabaceanBabe PG -- For I am born to be what I must be.

"Disjuncture" by ana_grrl PG -- She knows it. She just doesn't feel it.

"Better With You Here " by vegetariansushi R -- "It's better with you here," she says to the air. - Cally, after Boomer

"Eurymedon's Chariot" by ingrid-m PG 13 -- "He's been broken too, except that his edges are still big and jagged enough to wound."

"Live for This" by Wisteria PG 13 -- She doesn't care. She's too busy feeling alive.

"The Big House" by monkeyfromhell PG -- It's ridiculous how utterly relaxed and calm Kara Thrace looks behind bars.

"Untitled" by themoonbar R -- Kara, Helo and Sharon on Caprica. Things will never be the same.

"Echoes" by Widget PG -- Some things never change

"Seven days" by wolfram9999 PG 13 -- Helo and Tyrol on the run.

"Live for This" by Wisteria PG 13 -- She doesn't care. She's too busy feeling alive.

"The Big House" by monkeyfromhell PG -- It's ridiculous how utterly relaxed and calm Kara Thrace looks behind bars.

"Untitled" by themoonbar R -- Kara, Helo and Sharon on Caprica. Things will never be the same.

"The Water is Rising" by lpmufinfiend PG 13 -- At least she’s home.

"Resignation" by grav-ity PG 13 -- Kara Thrace looked around her and realized that she had bucked authority for the last time.

"Echoes" by Widget PG -- Some things never change

"Untitled" by themoonbar R -- Kara, Helo and Sharon on Caprica. Things will never be the same.

"Just One Thing" by repr0b8 PG 13 -- Sharon knows they see someone else.

"Show an Affirming Flame" by redbrickrose PG - She holds two contradictory truths in her hands. She chooses one and endures.

"Seven days" by wolfram9999 PG 13 -- Helo and Tyrol on the run.

"Benevolent Sibling" by mercurial-wit R -- The Cylons and their special kind of entertainment. Crackfic.

"A Better Time" by ana_grrl PG 13 -- A slow, careful plan. Something more subtle than the original idea. - AU

"Children of the Revolution" by zeplum PG -- Things go on, and one of those is life being hard. - The crew and the life after.

"Actaeon Hounded" by Voleuse PG -- Now go and tell, if you can, that you have seen Diana unapparelled. - Gaius and he Gods.

"Harvesting" by ingrid PG -- The harvest has begun ... - Life on New Caprica.

"An Offering to Hestia" by butterflykiki PG -- Forty-eight ships. 47,497 people. Six hundred and nineteen thousand, seven hundred and ninety-two individual name search requests.

"Multiplicity of life" by ana_grrl PG -- How might Hera grow up? AU snapshots.

Original characters
"In The Time Between" by neonhummingbird PG -- We had such dreams when we began.

"Calliope" by rheanna27 PG -- We're all family now."

"Gooney Bird" by bktheirregular PG -- "I'm all that's left. Me and the ship and a hold full of meds. And Pop's cigars."

"Anonymous" by jennyo PG 13 -- Four stories from a flying refugee camp.

Jake, the dog
"Five Things Jake Never Understood" by ingrid-m PG -- New Caprica, through a different set of eyes.