BSG het fic recs

Boomer/Chief  Cally/Chief  Caprica/Tigh  Helo/Boomer  Helo/Sharon  Gaius/Six  Kara/Anders  Kara/Apollo  Kara/Helo  Kara/Leoben  various pairings 

Links will open in a window / Stories are rated from PG- NC 17

"Believe in what you see" by pen PG 13 -- Growing together, falling apart. Pre Mini

"Not a world of magic shows" by lyssie NC 17 -- "I'm married to a madwoman," Sam mutters. "Yep." She kisses him, "But you love me anyway."

"Cold Light of Day" by pellucid PG 13 - They have no script for this, for what comes after. NEW

"Two Cigarettes" by sloanesomething R -- “Lieutenant Agathon, this is your pilot, Lieutenant Valerii, callsign Boomer.”

"Sleight of Wing" by Voleuse R -- Maybe this is what it means to be alive.

"Will I Not Bleed" by repr0b8 PG 13 -- This is the machine I love.

"Planning, Not Living" by ana_grrl PG 13 -- Kara wants something she can't have. She isn't the only one.

"Only Wait" by Voleuse R -- Distrust everything if you have to. But trust the hours. AU

"erase her face" by bantha-fodder PG 13 -- Her hand goes through his flesh, and it is because she is insubstantial.

"Tell Me Enough (To Make Me Know That You Are Glad)" by rawles R -- He doesn't realize that he believed she would come back until the night he gives up hope that she will.

"Planning, Not Living" by ana_grrl PG 13 -- Kara wants something she can't have. She isn't the only one.

"Not a world of magic shows" by lyssie NC 17 -- "I'm married to a madwoman," Sam mutters. "Yep." She kisses him, "But you love me anyway."

"Eleven Plans" by wisteria_ R -- Eight weeks into the plan, and time's running out. He doesn't want to think about failure.

"Daybreak" by palmetto R - They all move like broken machines the first week, mourning something they never expected to lose. NEW

"Twelve" by Rheanna NC-17 -- "You are someone else / I am still right here."

"Two Cigarettes" by sloanesomething R -- “Lieutenant Agathon, this is your pilot, Lieutenant Valerii, callsign Boomer.”

"Tessellation" by mercurial-wit R -- And here they are, sitting on opposite sides of a table, and her hands are tied and his are clasped neatly in front of him. All of this has happened before.

"In Remembrance" by Sage NC 17 -- He's found her again, at last.

"When He Followed Her Home" by natalexx PG 13 -- "So it's true. I'm in your head. You can hear me. We're connected, Kara."

various pairings
Kara/Lee, Lee/Boomer, Boomer/Helo, Boomer/Baltar, Kara/Helo.
"And So I Woke - Part 1" by sloanesomething Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 R -- Dreaming has consequences, too. AU

Tyrol/Sharon, Tyrol/Helo, Helo/Sharon "Thunderhead" by nifra-idril PG 13 - Tyrol, after Boomer - This used to be easier.