Dawson's Creek slash fic recs

Pacey/Danny  Pacey/Dawson  Pacey/Nick  Jack/Doug  Jack/Pacey 

Links will open in a window / Stories are rated from PG- NC 17

"Hero Worship" by Laura Smith NC 17 -- "So, you ever been to New York before, kid?"

"Seeing Blue" by Sue Castle R -- What if Dawson and Pacey hadn't jumped back onto the geezer's boat?

"The Wrong Witter" by Sue Castle NC-17 -- Gretchen isn't the only one to make a discovery at Nick's party.

"Catch Me a Catch," by MalaR --A prequel to the series finale. How exactly DID Jack land a certain closeted sheriff?

"Boston Confidential" by Laura Smith NC-17 -- Jack and Pacey take a ride in the big city.