Eureka slash fic recs


Links will open in a window / Stories are rated from PG- NC 17

"Veritas" by R -- What would you ask Dr. Nathan Stark if you could? NEW

"NSP-3710/B" by auntie_climatic NC-17 -- NSP-3710/B referred to cases involving what Allison tactfully called Induced Misconduct and what Jo called the old Science Made Us Do It excuse. NEW

"Boss of the Year, Not" by Spikedluv R -- One of Nathan's decisions comes back to bite him and Jack rides to the rescue. NEW

"Seven Drinks that Nathan and Jack Sorta Share" by PG-13 -- Maybe sharing wasn't so overrated. NEW

"Stuck on You" by serene-quill NC-17 -- Fargo's newest invention yields some unexpected results. NEW