House MD het fic recs

Cameron/Chase  Cameron/House  Cameron/Foreman  Cameron/Wilson  Cuddy/House  Cuddy/Wilson  Foreman/Mary  Stacey/Chase  Wilson/Grace  various 

Links will open in a window / Stories are rated from PG- NC 17

"Sweet and Parched" by voleuse NC 17 -- Everything wears her down.

"No Regrets" by angua9 NC 17 - The day Alison Cameron was exposed to the AIDS virus she ran a stop sign on her way home.

"Afterthought" by camerona PG-13 -- Chase can't stop thinking about his night with Cameron and decides to get some answers - what he ends up getting is more than he bargained for.

"what you could've had in rio" by fated_addiction PG -- "I need closure." It slips, it slips slowly and she's sort of staring aimlessly off to the side and unwilling to really address this, whatever this is, this being relative and uneasy. (Cameron/House)

"Habits" by xanya PG -- House relies on habits. He loves them.

"Puzzle Pieces" by starhawk2005 NC-17 -- House loves puzzles.

"No Sudden Movements" by KJ Draft NC-17 -- Easter. Chocolate. Office. Sex.

"Addictions" by KJ Draft PG-13 -- Cameron would do anything for a kiss from House; House would do anything for his last Vicodin.

"The Worst Patients" by LizBee PG-13 -- House has a run-in with karma, or possibly the just-world phenomenon, or possibly irony.

"Construction" by _vicodin NC-17 -- House forms an obsession with the red of Cameron's dress, and it transcends into their relationship.

"Fireworks" by treacle_a NC-17 -- In the end, it doesn't happen the way she imagines.

"The Shortest Distance" by sam_storyteller R -- After losing a patient, everyone reacts differently; Foreman writes charts, Chase does Sudoku, Wilson goes to the movies, and Cameron kisses Greg House. House can't resist telling Wilson; Wilson can't resist putting his oar in; Cameron can't resist her one shot at pinning House down.

"A Seduction of the Obsessive Man" by _vicodin NC-17 -- All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another. Anatole France

"there's always time for another fall" by vicodin R -- Just another new addiction.

"When You Come And Go" by leiascully PG -- "Come home," said House.

"what you could've had in rio" by fated_addiction PG -- "I need closure." It slips, it slips slowly and she's sort of staring aimlessly off to the side and unwilling to really address this, whatever this is, this being relative and uneasy. (Cameron/Chase)

"four" by chipping PG-13 -- It's a four-letter word.

"The Waters of March" by loki013 PG-13 -- Her mother would probably ask if she’s planning on sleeping with all her coworkers, or just the male ones.

"Past Tense" by tangleofthorns PG -- He can feel her wanting to know. But there's no simple answer, no ten-words-or-less explanation for how this thing with House works.

"The First Night" by jenny_grrl NC 17 -- Wilson's pain brings them together.

"That Old College Try" by kHo NC-17 -- A coda to "Who's Your Daddy?"

"You Need to Be Nicer" by leiascully R -- "I like you. It's not much of a compliment. I also like hookers, Ruebens, painkillers, and off-track betting. You're in dubious company."

"Like That's Gonna Happen" by hawkeyecat -- "You can't be harder on Chase just because he’s sleeping with you," Cuddy informs House one icy Tuesday in December as he's lounging in his office.

"as heroes are" by eudaimon -- Underwater, she still dreams of him.

"Comrades" by astonish R -- They're at polar ends of the spectrum but they have one thing in common, one thing that binds them together hopelessly.

"Postcards From Italy" by azure PG -- A few days after Wilson moves into his new apartment, a letter arrives for him at the hospital.

"Untitled" by azure PG -- It seems inevitable, that her ride wouldn't show up. A backstory expanded.

"Permutations" by AndreaLyn PG-13 -- House watches Chase sleep with all the people around him. All but one. -- (House/Chase, Chase/Cameron, Chase/Foreman, Chase/Cuddy, Chase/Wilson)

"Four Men Allison Cameron Never Slept With, and One She Did" by 13cellardoors R -- (Cameron/various)