Harry Potter gen fic recs

Draco Ginny  Harry  Hermione  Neville  Percy  Petunia  Snape  Other  Ensemble 

Links will open in a window / Stories are rated from PG- NC 17

"Draco Malfoy, Ruler of the Universe" by Maya -- Draco is the saviour of the world. Or something.

"A Flying Commentary" by MamaLaz -- Draco commenting a quidditch game.

"Madonna And Child" by Ishafel -- She cares and she doesn't.

"Take My Waking Slow" by victoria p. G -- Draco needs to know.

"Telling" by Halrloprillalar PG -- Another drabble from the fairy tale challenge.

"The Kiss of Death" by plaidwater PG-13 -- Draco's POV for the last battle.

"And I Get By" by Silvia PG -- There's a rule that says: a shared grin -- that's the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

"Draco Malfoy is a Stupid Wanker" by Emma Grant R -- During the course of HBP, Romilda Vane's crush on Harry Potter evolves into a slashy obsession with Harry and Draco.

"The Talk" by therekinator G -- Draco has a little talk with his son.

"Coda to an Epilogue: Twenty Years Later, Or The Kids Are All Right" by mistful PG 13 - When their children get lost in the sewers Harry and Draco try to save them. - A bit out of character at times, but still a good story.

"Different" by Ivy Blossom PG -- She's different from all of them.

"Tonight" by furiosity PG-13 -- The worst thing was that she had done nothing to deserve it. (Harry/Draco)

"Blood Magic" by GatewayGirl -- Blood magic was supposed to keep Harry safe, but his relatives are expendable. Blood magic was supposed to keep Harry looking like his adoptive father, but it's wearing off. Blood, magic or not, is important to the wizarding world....

"Happiness Is A Warm Gun" by Victoria P. -- The last battle.

"Home Is The Place Where" by Kyra Cullinan -- The world finally gets around to ending on a Tuesday afternoon.

"Harry Potter & The Daughter of Malfoy" by Fyre -- Lucius Malfoy is a clumsy git. A pregnancy potion made by Snape for Malfoy's wife ends up spilt on our seventeen year old hero. Harry Potter ends up knocked up. He's really not best pleased. After all, how is he meant to save the world if he has to go on maternity leave? (Warning: MPREG)

"Lightning Has Just Struck My Brain" by Mousapelli -- Things aren't quite adding up for Harry.

"Prophecy" by Cherusha R -- Harry and Voldemort. Their final battle and the aftermath. Dark.

"Seven" by Ivy Blossom PG-13 -- It never occurs to Harry to warn anyone. His visions of the future don't include that. Creepy and dark.

"The Kiss of Death" by plaidwater PG-13 -- Draco's POV for the last battle.

"And I Get By" by Silvia PG -- There's a rule that says: a shared grin -- that's the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

"Coda to an Epilogue: Twenty Years Later, Or The Kids Are All Right" by mistful PG 13 - When their children get lost in the sewers Harry and Draco try to save them. - A bit out of character at times, but still a good story.

"Counting" by MelWil -- The war is over but that doesn't make things easier.

"Lament" by Jengrrl -- Hand in hand they walk through the vestibule of the church, fingers tightly intertwined.

"Whether We Wear Masks" by ran_huo PG -- Hermione teaches Blaise that the Death Eaters aren't the only group of their kind.

"All Too Sweet To Last" by Annakovsky PG - Sixth year ended abruptly when Hermione blew up Hogwarts, forty-five Death Eaters, and Harry Potter in a blast of blue magical flame that could be seen at a distance of thirty miles.

"Lightning Has Just Struck My Brain" by Mousapelli -- Things aren't quite adding up for Harry.

"Neville's Day" by Halrloprillalar -- Nobody knew where Neville had gotten it. Half of them didn't even know what it was.

"The Last Mudblood" by furiosity R -- The war is over, and Voldemort has won. Harry Potter is dead. Neville Longbottom is a Death Eater, and together with Draco Malfoy they lead a manhunt for Hermione Granger. It's really that simple. Or is it?

"Man Of The Hour" by abaddon R -- If there's a fool born every minute, then Percy Weasley is the man of the hour.

"A Moment of Privacy" by Flora R -- You've heard about me, and boys like me don't do this.

"Home Is The Place Where" by Kyra Cullinan -- The world finally gets around to ending on a Tuesday afternoon.

"Journal Entry, June 1996" by almightyhat -- There is a reason why Petunia takes care of Harry.

"Little Sister's Grudge" by Red Monster -- When baby Harry turns up on the Dursleys' doorstep, Petunia must decide how to respond to the new arrival. What went wrong between her and Lily? How did she decide to keep Harry?

"Mother's Blood" by memorycharm -- "My little flower maidens." That's what their mother always called them. "There're my little flower maidens... Petunia dear, why don't you smile a bit? Can't let Lily take all the spotlight."

"Wednesday" by Northlight PG -- "Wednesday's child is full of woe."

"All Those Empty Spaces" by jackiejlh PG - She never noticed all the empty spaces in her life until they started to fill up with memories. DH Spoilers

"Blood Magic" by GatewayGirl -- Blood magic was supposed to keep Harry safe, but his relatives are expendable. Blood magic was supposed to keep Harry looking like his adoptive father, but it's wearing off. Blood, magic or not, is important to the wizarding world....

"Defining Moment" by curia_regis PG -- This is a moment that defines Severus Snape.

"Devoured" by DJIN7 PG -- A vessel that reaches its limit must be emptied before it can be used again.

"Factories That Make Factories" by alibi_factory -- Black sheep and the simple things in life.

"My Day At The Ministry: Severus Snape" by Faith Accompli -- Humor. Snape solves problems the easy way.

"Take My Waking Slow" by victoria p. G -- Draco needs to know.

"Shards of Erised" by monimala PG-13 -- He never needs to know their names.

"Factories That Make Factories" by alibi_factory -- Black sheep and the simple things in life.

Lily: "Lily's Choice" by cruisedirector PG -- "Stand aside," the Dark Lord told her, "and you will walk safely from this house."

Lucius: "Of Now Done Darkness" by nokomis305 PG-13 -- Lucius no longer matters.

Millicent: "Fall on Your Knees"by Ivy Blossom PG-13 -- Even people like Millicent Bulstrode have stories to tell. Sometimes, they're not very pretty stories.

The Malfoys: "Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow" by Lilith Morgana PG 13 - Last time, things were different.

Scorpius: "The Talk" by therekinator G -- Draco has a little talk with his son.

Sirius: "Four Thousand Two Hundred And Sixty" by Kel PG-13 -- Sirius is Azkaban. Heartbreaking

The Twins: "Sixteen ways to tell the Weasley twins apart" by kaydee falls -- Small differences are enough to tell them apart.

Voldemort: "Rebirth" by nokomis305 PG-13 -- Death is only the beginning.

"And it's such a crime how they waste their time" by alibi_factory R -- The Boy Who Lived. Just barely living, though.

"The Children" by Sam Vimes -- "They call us the Children. Because we're still only kids, don't you see. The Children who fought Voldemort and won." - "I don't know if I want to be a child the rest of my life."

"Gryffindor" by Ishafel -- A sword is a sword is a sword. Unlike people objects are always true to their natures. Godric Gryffindor's sword was what it was meant to be and nothing more. That, in the end, was quite enough.

"Identifying Marks" by copperbadge -- After death, what is left but our identifying marks?

"Journals, diaries, and general chaos" by Rosencrantz -- A different set of secret diaries.

"The Only One He Ever Feared" by jjtaylor PG-13 -- You've got it all wrong. We're not the bad guys.

"The Special Edition" by Alena G -- Trying to keep your ship from sinking? Dislike the ending of the Deathly Hallows? Find the writing style out-of-place? Want to dismiss it for all your fic-writing purposes? Here's a quick, easy fix.

"The Missing" by Hecate PG -- There are some things they can never get back. [Deathly Hallows Spoilers]