Harry Potter het fic recs

Draco/Cho  Draco/Ginny  Draco/Hermione  Ginny/Tom  Ginny/Ron  Hermione/Lucius  Hermione/Snape  Hermione/Voldemort  Ron/Hermione  Ron/Pansy  Scorpius/Rose  Tom/Minerva  Other 

Links will open in a window / Stories are rated from PG - NC 17

"The Curious Vengeance of Draco Malfoy" by Halrloprillalar-- Draco/Cho, Draco/Harry - Sometimes second best is better.

"A Bed Made for One" by Sarea Okelani -- They find Ginny after 7 month. And someone else as well.

"A Pithy Cliché About Opposites" by corvidae9 -- A holiday Inter-House Unity project goes horribly astray. Mostly

"Afterimage" by Gravidy NC-17 -- Draco/Hermione, Harry/Ron, Draco/Harry implied - Blind like prejudice, blind like justice, blind like love, Draco gropes desperately to make the right choices as his life spirals further and further out of control

"Dracilla" by Scarlet-- Hermione is a girl. Draco,too.

"Prudence Will Punish" by switchknife R -- Draco discovers an unlikely side to his personality.

"Roundabout" by arakne NC-17 -- Lessons, secrets, a little instruction book.

"Tie Me With Velvet" by AshJay -- There are many reasons why Draco and Hermione shouldn't be together, starting with the basic conflict between Good and Evil and ending with the sheer impossibility of them ever being able to peacefully share a hair care shelf.

"Lucky Tonight" by waxbean NC-17 -- In the hours before Dumbledore's death, Hermione finds a way into the Room of Requirement. There she confronts not only Draco Malfoy but also the darkness, anger, and helplessness within herself. With the silvery taste of the Felix Felicis potion still lingering on her lips, Hermione makes an unlikely choice -- and in doing so, realizes that the boundaries between love and hate are not as finite as she once had thought

"Get Out Of My Plaster" by Voleuse NC 17 -- He's the stupid jerk I'm obsessed with.

"Plato's Sex Life" by Voleuse R -- Stop contemplating the origins of evil.

"breaking up the girl." by abaddon NC-17 -- Everyone has a secret. And everyone plays a role. How can you win when you've lost everything you had?

"As sharp as any thorn" by Argosy R -- Draco Malfoy, unarmed, stared at the three wands pointing in his direction and couldn’t bring himself to care.

Ginny/Ron Warning:Incest
"Death Eater" by Ishafel -- In the morning you wake up next to her, and it is worth it, because what is duty, what is honor, next to skin like ivory and hair like flame.

"Absolution" by Amalin R -- I am who I am, and I am eight letters buried in the past.

"Happily Ever After" by November Snowflake R -- [H/G, H/D, G/T] Some things are meant to be. Except when they're not.

"A Wondrous Riddle-Book" by kethlenda R -- Ginny Weasley was nothing if not stubborn.

"Beauty's Awakening" by sublimeclarity PG -- He makes death taste like sugar.

"Chopin's Nocturne" by bunney PG 13 -- When Hermione finally stops running, he's waiting for her.

"Tuesdays" by Inell PG 13 -- They always meet on Tuesdays.

"Burnt Chrysanthemum" by violet_quill R -- Hermione knows a lot of things, but not the truth about Severus Snape.

"It Would Never Work" by Snaples -- Hermione decides to face her skills once and for all.

"Origins of Myth" by Arsenic NC 17 -- Ron/Draco, Hermione/Snape - Draco gets lost. Ron finds him.

"The Secret-Keeper" by switchknife NC 17 -- Snape/Hermione, Hermione/Ron - Knowledge is power, but endurance is strength.

"Silence Deep As Death" by kaz814 NC-17 -- Kidnapped by the Dark Lord, Hermione faces deprivation and isolation even as she tries to keep a grasp on her sanity. Everyone has a breaking point, but when will Lord Voldemort discover Hermione's?

"To Meet the Sacrificer's Knife" by sioniann NC-17 -- It's easiest for both of them when she is quiet.

"It Has Been" by JellyBellys PG -- Hermione falls into Riddle's diary. - Hermione/Tom Riddle

"Hold Me Close" by sioniann R -- They are close enough that they can almost touch. Almost.

"The Secret-Keeper" by switchknife NC-17 -- Snape/Hermione, Hermione/Ron - Knowledge is power, but endurance is strength.

"Adjudication "by Slytherincess -- Past and future connect again when Ron meets Pansy in Azkaban.

"Flame and Shadow" by Maya -- Sometimes the losers get lucky.

"natural disaster, on the evening news" by falseeeyelashes PG-13 -- You'll grow up someday - we all do, eventually. [Deathly Hallows Spoilers]

"Inter-house Relations" by koalathebear G -- "Hey Weasie. Can't believe you've already started studying our first day back – where are your priorities, girl?" a voice said from behind the bookshelf in the library.

"Now or Never" by ficsbyqueenb23 R -- "I say it's high time you stop playing hard to get and go out with me".

"In a Dawn So Very Dark" by Sionnain PG-13 -- The sun and the dark meet only twice; at night, when the darkness wins, and in the morning, when the sun breaks free.

"The Only Thing to Live For" by lyras NC-17 -- After a few seconds he releases her, whispering, "Until next time," so softly that she only catches it because his lips are on her right ear.

"yield" by absinthe lust R -- 'I will be the death of you,' he whispers, and she shivers and closes her eyes because deep down, she knows she wants it.

"Friendship" by Paranoid Kitten PG -- Cho remembers Cedric.

Harry/Pancy: "Control" by legomymalfoy NC 17 -- Pansy tries to keep control. Harry tries to make her lose it.

Draco/Bellatrix "Diamond Dogs" by Jane St Clair NC-17 -- She arrives weeks after they take his father away.

Draco/Pansy, Harry/Draco: "Doll Parts" by altricial PG -- Because there are worst things in life than pretending.

Harry/Tonks: "Transformation" by Amalin NC-17 -- Harry/Draco, Harry/Tonks - In Harry's sixth year at Hogwarts, he must face the consequences of the attack on the Department of Mysteries and the effects of Voldemort's return. And in doing so, he finds that even your enemies can teach you valuable lessons - about the world, and about yourself.

Hermione/various: "Macto" by lalejandra NC 17 -- Hermione had thought that her first time would, perhaps, be Ron.

Harry/Hermione "breaking up the girl." by abaddon NC-17 -- Everyone has a secret. And everyone plays a role. How can you win when you've lost everything you had?

Merope/Tom Sr."Forever" by Ayla PG -- Forever lasts exactly four months, five days and six hours.

Hermione/Blaise "A Fair Game" by inell PG-13 -- "I do like a fair game, though, which is why I was so candid about my intentions."

Hermione/Marcus "Pleasures in Dark Places" by HumbugGirl R -- ...the knowledge that she was in the arms of a living, breathing, feeling human being was blissful. Hermione could not help but want to touch him even though she knew that she should hate him...

Ginny/Percy: "The Persistence of Memory" by sioniann NC 17 -- She doesn't realize what she's doing to him when she leans her head on his shoulder and he can smell the perfume she stole from their mother's vanity set that winter.

Lucius/Molly: "Family Secrets" by memorycharm and the remix of the story by Mosca R -- Lucius remembered Molly.

Lucius/Ginny "Erosion" by sionnian NC-17 -- She awakens in his dungeon, in more ways than one.

Snape/Lily: "Your Parting Mouth (Your Shining Eyes)" by sioniann NC-17 -- The first time Severus sees Lily, he doesn't register that it's Lily, or that she will come to mean anything (everything) to him.