Les Misérables slash fic recs

Courfeyrac/Claquesous  Courfeyrac/Montparnasse  Enjolras/Bahorel  Enjolras/Grantaire  Marius/Courfeyrac  Marius/various  Enjolras/Grantaire  Enjolras/Bahorel 

Links will open in a window / Stories are rated from PG- NC 17

"Knight Errant" by Catherine PG 13 -- Courfeyrac off the track.

"Caveat Emptor" by bethfrish NC 17 -- Their eyes meet in the back alley of some darkened restaurant, two shadows lingering far longer than what is necessary.

"Sic Ora Ferebat" by Narilsa R -- Enjolras and Bahorel, an argument, and the back room of the Musain.

"Forty Days" by Narilsa PG 13 -- Grantaire goes to... a special "place," certain days after he leaves the Musain.

"On the steps of a wineshop" by AmZ. -- Two men ponder loss of direction. - A drabble, vague hints of one-sided Grantaire/Enjolras, but it might as well read as gen / canon. Go read.

"Common Day" by Catherine PG -- Two men ponder loss of direction. - Suzanne is human, and needs him as he needs her. [This is actually written as a "Five things that never happened to Graintaire" piece, but while I like the others, I found this one to be truly remarkable.]

"Dins Ton Pais Tornaras" by Petra PG 13 -- It was a mistake, and it could never happen again.

" A Crack in Marble" by darlingfreak PG -- The problem with angels is that they never see darkness.

"In the Gutter" by Marianne R -- Can't rape the willing.

"Songs of the Unrequited" by bethfrish PG 13 -- Marius shows up at Courfeyrac's at nine in the evening with nothing but his hat under his arm.

"I Believe I Was a Little In Love With You (or Nine Things That Never Happened to Marius Pontmercy)" by bethfrish R -- Nine Things That Never Happened to Marius Pontmercy