Misc threesome fic recs

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Links will open in a window / Stories are rated from PG- NC 17

Quills Marquis de Sade/Madeleine Le Clerc/Abbe du Coulmier
"Written On The Body" by Beth H NC 17 -- "Be forewarned, its plot is blood-soaked, its characters depraved, and its themes. unwholesome at best. But in order to know virtue, we must acquaint ourselves with vice. Only then can we know the full measure of man." - An epilogue to "Quills", which does a fantastic job of recapturing the darkly seductive atmosphere of the movie.

Moonlight Beth/Mick/Josef
"Gatecrashing for Amateurs" by Midknight2501 NC-17 -- "This is Beth." He turns his big smile back on the other two vampires. "She's one of Mick's special friends. Sort of a gift to the host, if you know what I mean."