Nochnoi Dozor slash fic recs

Anton/Kostya  Anton/Semyon  Anton/Zavulon 

Links will open in a window / Stories are rated from PG- NC 17

"And Zavulon smiled" by Hecate R -- The war started some days after they lost Jegor to the Day Watch.

"Hunter" by Sandrine PG 13 -- The world around him is changing, again, and Anton finds it hard to adapt.

"Untitled drabble" by Hecate R -- And all my friends were vampires / Didn't know they were vampires / Turns out I was a vampire myself

"The way the sun rises" by Hecate PG-13 -- The nights before the end of the world.

"And Zavulon smiled" by Hecate R -- The war started some days after they lost Jegor to the Day Watch.