Pirates of the Caribbean gen fic recs

Barbossa  Elizabeth  Jack  Norrinton  Will 

Links will open in a window / Stories are rated from PG- NC 17

"Acheron's Brimming Waters" by sionnain PG-13 -- Hell leaves a stain on a man's soul. Barbossa wants to make sure Elizabeth knows that.

"Acheron's Brimming Waters" by sionnain PG-13 -- Hell leaves a stain on a man's soul. Barbossa wants to make sure Elizabeth knows that.

"Gallow's Bird" by mimesere -- A ghost story

"PotC 2: Norrington's Revenge" by mimesere -- Parody on fannish Norrington and Will's and Elisabeth's rather...stupid behaviour in PotC

"To The Ends" by AndreaLyn PG -- Norrington pursues redemption.

"Haunting in Thirteen Parts" by Kaylie PG-13 -- James unlocked the door to his house and saw Sparrow in the darkness near the stairs. His chest and thigh were pierced clean through; his skin was raw and blackened.

"Time It Was" by Dala NC- 17 -- A man makes him own destiny. Various pairings implied