Stargate:Atlantis gen fic recs

Atlantis   Ford   Lorne   Mckay   Ronon  Sheppard   Teyla   Weir   Zelenka   Ensemble   Others  

Links will open in a window / Stories are rated from PG- NC 17

"Routines" by lavvyan PG -- Atlantis may adore John, but her subroutines love Rodney.

"Rosencrantz and Guildenstern" by in-wintertime R -- Mckay and Ford on the run. - post-"The Hive", AU

Naming of Parts" by fabularasa R -- Mckay and Ford and gateships. Bittersweet.

"A team is borne" by Danvers PG 13 -- Lorne wondered if any of them actually knew they were on an alien planet where they could be attacked and killed by crazed monks or crazed monkeys or crazed monks that used crazed monkeys to kill people. In Pegasus anything was possible. - How Lorne got his team.

"Astronauts, And Other Dreams" by chasingkerouac PG -- No one slept here on Atlantis, Lorne had decided, so it was a small blessing to find a few minutes a day where he didn’t have to hide himself away in his broom closet of an office to find a few moments of silence.

"Like Diffusing a Bomb" by kHo R -- Lorne's frown deepened but he sat, because he's never seen Sheppard like this and his Dad always said you should do what the crazy people tell you to or they're liable to snap and break your neck.

"To Say a Sorry Sight" by celtic_sky pg -- Elizabeth, Lorne. Spoilers for "Common Ground." She always said she'd never carry a gun, let alone fire one.

"Five Secrets Lorne's Team Doesn't Want Told" by miss_porcupine -- Lorne. Weir. Post "Common Ground."

"Boredom is the Root of All Evil (And Lorne is its Bitch)" by kHo R - “Really, really bored.” “You have the attention span of a gnat.” “You forgot I was your superior again, didn’t you?” - Sheppard and Lorne in a jail cell. Again.

"Eighteen Things Major Lorne (More or Less) Hates About the Pegasus Galaxy" by ana-grrl PG 13 - Sometimes things get really annoying. (Lorne/Mckay)

"Routines" by lavvyan PG -- Atlantis may adore John, but her subroutines love Rodney.

"Rosencrantz and Guildenstern" by in-wintertime R -- Mckay and Ford on the run. - post-"The Hive", AU

Naming of Parts" by fabularasa R -- Mckay and Ford and gateships. Bittersweet.

"Freedom's Just Another Word For Nothing Left To Lose" by synecdochic PG -- Rodney, after Atlantis, after John.

"Untitled Missing Scene by kHo PG -- Missing scene from 'Progeny'.

"Dreams by kuonji PG-13 -- 'Progeny' tag. Atlantis explodes four times that night.

"Not Unlike Us" by kHo PG -- Coda to 'Common Ground'. "What if they really aren't all that difference from us," John asks, grimacing as he looks up at him. "What if Michael is right. That we are the same. That the only difference is that our food can't talk back to us."

"This Honor Is Generally Bestowed Posthumously" by Spike PG -- "A is for Asphyxiation" - So many ways to die.

"Even" by Psychofilly PG-13 -- Rodney liked to call it, with mental air-quotes, 'Operation stop being such a dick already'.

"Ten Days" by Dianann PG -- Rodney finds himself in an Atlantis that’s been completely deserted.

"Five Things Rodney McKay Will Never Say" by vegetariansushi PG -- Pretty much what the title says. Very funny and sweet.

"Twenty Four Hours With a Rodneysaur" by Moonloon PG -- Mckay is turned into a dinosaur. Too cute for words.

"But I'll be close behind" by black-eyedgirl NC-17 -- Rodney can't always do the impossible, and he's getting a little tired of being asked. Also, he has a worse-case scenario plan which has John worried.

"Detox" by Jane St Clair PG 13 -- They couldn't run on stimulants and adrenaline forever.

"A Slightly Different Quality of Light" by rageprufrock R -- This is how Rodney remembers it.

"How Rodney McKay Got His Dogtags And, Perhaps, a Little Bit of Mojo" by watersword PG-13 -- It wasn't supposed to happen like that.

"No Clues Whatever" by lavvyan PG-13 -- McKay fucked up. There's no reason for John to be the one feeling guilty.

"Between the Lines" by Sholio PG -- Sometimes, you'd never dream of being friends with someone, especially the most annoying person in Antarctica ... until you get stuck with them in another galaxy.

"Tenets of Leadership in Vacuum" by X-parrot PG-13 -- Episode tag for "Midway". John wouldn't necessarily say that hanging out with Rodney was less stressful, but it did tend to leave fewer visible bruises.

"Hero for a New Age" by Smittywing PG - "Superman's the last of his kind, too," Ronon said quickly. “I'm going to try to get McKay to rig me up some heat vision so I can melt steel like Superman." NEW

"A Mantra for These Times" by X-parrot (PG) -- "Sheppard is not dead." It's Rodney's mantra, everyone on Atlantis knows, enough not to say the wrong thing around him, not to provoke it. NEW

"Dirge" by sardonicsmiley (PG-13) -- Tag to The Last Man. Five moments in Rodney McKay’s life that broke him. NEW

"Dimmer Switch by neverintegrated PG -- The fall-out from 'Trinity'. McKay demands notice, takes up extra space, and Ronon had always been told that people of importance felt no need to attract attention.

"Hero for a New Age" by Smittywing PG - "Superman's the last of his kind, too," Ronon said quickly. “I'm going to try to get McKay to rig me up some heat vision so I can melt steel like Superman." NEW

"We Invented the Internet: e-mail" by Jane St Clair PG 13 -- Sheppard is supposed to be the boss of them.

"Like Diffusing a Bomb" by kHo R -- Lorne's frown deepened but he sat, because he's never seen Sheppard like this and his Dad always said you should do what the crazy people tell you to or they're liable to snap and break your neck.

"A Brief History of Friendship" by cupidsbow R -- Before Atlantis, the best friend John ever had was Helene Cortez. - John is growing up and things fall apart.

"Route 66" by miss-porcupine PG --"Up, up and away?" he asked tentatively. - Sheppard teaches a marine how to fly a jumper.

"Dimmer Switch by neverintegrated PG -- The fall-out from 'Trinity'. McKay demands notice, takes up extra space, and Ronon had always been told that people of importance felt no need to attract attention.

"Untitled Missing Scene by kHo PG -- Missing scene from 'Progeny'.

"Dreams by kuonji PG-13 -- 'Progeny' tag. Atlantis explodes four times that night.

"Nondisclosure Agreement" by synecdochic PG -- Twenty-five things John Sheppard doesn't tell anyone, including himself.

"Not Unlike Us" by kHo PG -- Coda to 'Common Ground'. "What if they really aren't all that difference from us," John asks, grimacing as he looks up at him. "What if Michael is right. That we are the same. That the only difference is that our food can't talk back to us."

"Even" by Psychofilly PG-13 -- Rodney liked to call it, with mental air-quotes, 'Operation stop being such a dick already'.

"But I'll be close behind" by black-eyedgirl NC-17 -- Rodney can't always do the impossible, and he's getting a little tired of being asked. Also, he has a worse-case scenario plan which has John worried.

"Trust" by skeddy_kat G -- People claim John has issues.

"A Slightly Different Quality of Light" by rageprufrock R -- This is how Rodney remembers it.

"Flight and Fancy" by peanutbutterer PG -- Friendship. Humor. John and Elizabeth racing through corridors, battling Wraith, and arguing over whether Batman or Superman is better.

"No Clues Whatever" by lavvyan PG-13 -- McKay fucked up. There's no reason for John to be the one feeling guilty.

"Boredom is the Root of All Evil (And Lorne is its Bitch)" by kHo R - “Really, really bored.” “You have the attention span of a gnat.” “You forgot I was your superior again, didn’t you?” - Sheppard and Lorne in a jail cell. Again.

"Seven People John Sheppard Never Fed to the Wraith" by tzzzz PG-13

"Between the Lines" by Sholio PG -- Sometimes, you'd never dream of being friends with someone, especially the most annoying person in Antarctica ... until you get stuck with them in another galaxy.

"Brother to the Executioner" by X-parrot PG -- "Miller's Crossing" tag. Nowhere in that infinity is the universe where John Sheppard willingly steps back and allows Rodney McKay to walk into the Wraith's embrace.

"Tenets of Leadership in Vacuum" by X-parrot PG-13 -- Episode tag for "Midway". John wouldn't necessarily say that hanging out with Rodney was less stressful, but it did tend to leave fewer visible bruises.

"My Brother's Keeper" by kiku6 (PG-13) -- Todd saved Sheppard during their escape from Kolya. He hadn't realised it was a job for life.t can't seem to stop. NEW

"Getting Out, Getting Even" by (PG) -- Stuck in a cell offworld, John gets some unexpected help. NEW

"The Little Things" by technosage PG-13 -- Five things Teyla learned from her teammates and what they told her about them: Na Zdraví. Captain Kirk. Gay or Taken. Girlfriend! And Ferris Wheel.

"Negotiating Shadows" by aesc PG -- Tag to "Be All My Sins Remember'd". John circles her warily for days.

"Enlightenment" by Luthien PG -- On what should have been a routine mission, Elizabeth is unexpectedly reminded that people are unpredictable and things are not always what they seem. McKay/Sheppard

"Battlefield" by Whistler84 PG -- "She may not have much to offer, but it will be nothing short of everything she has to offer."

"Look Up In the Sky (Superpower Challenge)" by teand G -- Weir. Woosley. Perception is everything.

"To Say a Sorry Sight" by celtic_sky pg -- Elizabeth, Lorne. Spoilers for "Common Ground." She always said she'd never carry a gun, let alone fire one.

"Survival is the First Imperative" by miera_c R -- Three years after being kidnapped and sold as a slave, Elizabeth Weir returns to her people. Please consider the warnings carefully, as this is a dark future AU story. This is primarily gen but it contains two background 'ships: Teyla/Lorne and Beckett/Heightmeyer.

"Five Secrets Lorne's Team Doesn't Want Told" by miss_porcupine -- Lorne. Weir. Post "Common Ground."

"Flight and Fancy" by peanutbutterer PG -- Friendship. Humor. John and Elizabeth racing through corridors, battling Wraith, and arguing over whether Batman or Superman is better.

"Detox" by Jane St Clair PG 13 -- They couldn't run on stimulants and adrenaline forever.

"I See Skies of Blue" by in-wintertime PG 13 -- When I think of the scenarios I could have come up with, I kick myself. - Very creepy.

"A Million Miles away" by Miss Pamela PG 13 -- The first night in Atlantis.

"Quest" by Wax Jism R -- A rescue mission. Great characterization, implied Sheppard/Mckay.

"Minor In Action" by Kellifer_fic and "The Past Always Finds You" by Kellifer_fic PG 13 -- “Sometimes I hate this place.” - Sheppard and Lorne as children. Sounds funny but really isn't.

"The Long Way Home" by Tigs PG -- "So, Major," Sheppard said as Lorne stepped through the Stargate and onto the surface of M4X-372, "it seems that you made some friends the last time you were here."

"Care Packages" by auburnnothenna and eretria PG 15 -- Atlantis gets care packages - crossover with SG1

"Of two hours" by Tigs PG -- Most days, Radek appreciates it, how he and Rodney can communicate in half sentences. - Sheppard/Mckay mentioned.

"Plan 9 From Outer Space" by mos-self PG 13 -- "Clearly E.T. had something to do with it. I defy you to tell me he didn't do more than just dial home." - Officially the craziest rescue ever. Crack Fic.

"Some Assembly Required" by miss-porcupine PG 13 -- "Okay, let's get going," Lorne said, clapping his hands and looking around. "I don't want the big discovery of today being someone's quartzite collection and a sheep." - Lorne builds up his own team. Very cool original characters. She wrote several stories in that universe, all of them concentrating on Lorne's team. They all have good military action, an interesting team (and damn, do they bicker) and sometimes some very interesting outsider views on Sheppard's team.

"The Care and Feeding of a CO" by miss-porcupine PG 13 -- Sheppard goes along with Lorne's team.

"The Jenny Code" by miss-porcupine R -- A mission gone wrong. A good look on all characters and their different views on what has to be done.

"Arboreal Retreat On Account of Hostile Feline Activity" by miss-porcupine PG 13 -- "Wonderful," Lorne replied dryly. "I wanted to spend my afternoon hiding in a tree. Because the AAR for this mission isn't already going to read like a Monty Python script."

"The Curse of the Extraneous Lieutenant" by miss-porcupine PG 13 -- "And why have you brought me back another dented lieutenant?" - Lorne's team is cursed.

"Asymptotically Approaching Inspector Clouseau" by miss-porcupine PG 13 -- "Lorne knew -- his team was just behind Sheppard's in terms of Most Likely to Engage in Wacky Hijinx. He was perfectly happy to lose that competition."

"Never Go In Against a Sicilian When Death Is On the Line" by miss-porcupine PG 13 -- "Canary in the coal mine." - Lorne gets poisoned.

"Thursday" by themonkeycabal PG -- "Stupid lobsters." "Totally. We'll nuke the next one we see." - Just a normal day in Atlantis.

"Atlantis Subtext" by Iocane PG -- Atlantis cracks a joke, then communicates with Rodney.

"two-color dog happiness" by LC PG -- People get turned into animals. Stuff like that is normal in this galaxy. Crack!Fic

"The Travelling Sense Of Home" by tielan PG 13 -- The team on earth.

"And So And So And So Forth" by SkoosiePants PG -- On the planet that looked like summer - bright and golden and lush - but felt bitterly and sharply frozen, Ronon found an egg. Mckay/Sheppard

"Postcards to Jeannie" by friendshipper PG 13 -- Jeannie gets letters from another galaxy.

"Be my homeward dove" by harriet_spy PG-13 -- Rodney shook his head. "I haven't even seen my cat yet."

"Storm Damage" by KATE89 -- They stood together watching the hustle and bustle below the control room for some time, trying to appear normal.

"Seven people in Atlantis do a 10 people meme" by Cate PG -- It's just very funny.

"Fifteen Hours " by Martha Wilson PG 13 - "If we get back to Earth, I'll guard you while you go to the restroom in the SGC," Sheppard said quietly. - 15 hours in a jumper, playing wordgames, talking about dead Wraith and driving everybody crazy.

"Even the Queen" by MrsHamill PG -- John Sheppard was innocently playing Spider Solitaire on his laptop in his office when his appointment calendar popped up with a reminder. One word, all caps: TOMORROW.

"Requiem" by ferret_kitty (PG) -- Tag to The Last Man. John keeps telling them that Rodney said saving Teyla and her baby was the key to everything, and they've done that. So far, he reminds them, everything that went wrong the last time is going right. NEW

"The Shores of Tripoli" by Gaia PG -- Bates wakes up on earth.

Cadman "Astronauts, And Other Dreams" by chasingkerouac PG -- No one slept here on Atlantis, Lorne had decided, so it was a small blessing to find a few minutes a day where he didn’t have to hide himself away in his broom closet of an office to find a few moments of silence.

Mckay's cat "Independence" by Lacey McBain G -- He is leaving me.

Miko "Places of Childhood" by skandrae PG -- She wonders, as she drifts into sleep, if there will ever be a day when returning to the places of her childhood won't make her feel like a child.

Miko "Diving Through the Universe" by the old briar pipe PG 13 - She's a traveler...

Sumner "Five Ways Marshal Sumner Died" by Shade PG 13 -- Who shall give account to him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead.

Todd "My Brother's Keeper" by kiku6 (PG-13) -- Todd saved Sheppard during their escape from Kolya. He hadn't realised it was a job for life.t can't seem to stop. NEW

Todd "Getting Out, Getting Even" by (PG) -- Stuck in a cell offworld, John gets some unexpected help. NEW