Stargate:Atlantis threesome fic recs


Links will open in a window / Stories are rated from PG- NC 17

McKay/Sheppard/Sam Carter:
"Five Ways Carter Had Sex with John and Rodney" by chelle R

McKay/Sheppard/Carter: "ex gratia" by agentotter R -- She'd spent so much time on other planets, she wasn't sure she had a great grasp of social norms anymore.

McKay/Sheppard/Carter: "disconnected" by auburnnothenna and eretria NC-17 -- Five weeks after the Atlantis expedition returns to Earth, Sam Carter runs into John and Rodney, and they try to make do with what they can have, at least for one night.

McKay/Sheppard/Carter: "Yoshino" by eretria NC-17 -- "It was a moment set aside from the rest of their lives"

McKay/Sheppard/OFC: "either.or" by isilya NC-17 -- Friendly competition for a girl was supposed to be just that--competition. And competitions had winners and losers, which meant that generally, one guy got to kiss the girl, and the other guy got to be pissed off and sulk for a couple of weeks. But this was the Pegasus galaxy, and it seemed that Pegasus galaxy girls didn't play" by Earth rules.

McKay/Sheppard/Ronon/Teyla: "The Fallow And The Full" by Ekaterinn NC-17 -- Even so, Rodney's and John's mouths came together with more force than John would had expected - Rodney didn’t seem tentative at all at the prospect of having sex with the rest of his gate team, two of whom were male.

McKay/Sheppard/Teyla/Ronon: "How We Operate" by Diana NC-17 -- "Hours?" Oh, God, John couldn't do this, even if Rodney was making noises no man should make, and Ronon's hands were under the table, and John was not seeing this, he was not--

McKay/Sheppard/Weir: "Upward, Not Northward" by amitee NC-17 -- With things to say, John Sheppard goes west for Christmas.

Sheppard/Weir, Lorne/Sheppard/Weir "Ichneumonidae" by havocthecat NC-17 -- Conversion AU. What if John Sheppard hadn't been cured?

John/Elizabeth/Rodney "Triangulation" by omgmetoo NC-17 -- "And so they went, and so they learned to trust each other with more than just their lives, and so she began to understand what the physicists meant when they said that the triangle was the strongest geometric shape."

Sheppard/McKay/Keller: "Triune" by skinscript (R) -- Keller and Sheppard are united in their fear and grief over Rodney's decline... and it takes them somewhere they didn't expect to go but can't seem to stop. NEW