Torchwood het fic recs

Ianto/Gwen  Ianto/Lisa  Ianto/Tosh  Jack/Estelle  Gwen/Owen  Tosh/Owen  Other 

Links will open in a window / Stories are rated from PG- NC 17

"Tempo Perdido" by Lady Paperclip (R) -- Ianto watches Gwen dress, and wonders if it would be inappropriate to ask her to put the kettle on when she leaves. NEW

"Tears Run Rings" by karaokegal (R) -- It was probably inevitable that she and Ianto would deal with the emptiness this way. NEW

"On the way to the harbour – 657 miles" by Hecate PG-13 -- Shipwrecks and harbours. (Ianto/Jack)

"From Everyone" by babel PG 13 - May all your birthdays be happy. Love, Lisa. Life in fragments. (Ianto/Jack)

"Moving On" by Frock PG -- Sometimes, Tosh decides, you need to stop thinking, and just do.

"Loneliness" by notevery NC 17 -- Imperfect is okay, as long as it does not mean alone.

"To the End" by sheldrake PG 13 -- "Do you ever feel like, I don't know, like you're living inside a bubble?" - Jack/Ianto

"Here" by paperclipbitch R -- After Gwen finally leaves Owen, Ianto is left to try and pick up the pieces. - Ianto/Owen

"We All Fall Down" by misplacedmarble R -- It’s the end of the world, and this time there’s nothing to fight. - Jack/Ianto

"It Was" by ninefics R -- Jack and his team.

Ianto/Random Bloke, Ianto/Owen, Ianto/Tosh, Ianto/DI Burnside, Ianto/Ten, Jack/Ianto "You might have laughed if I told you" by wildestranger NC 17 -- It doesn't need to be good sex; it just needs to be somebody who isn't Jack.