Without a trace het fic recs

Samantha/Danny  Samantha/Jack  Samantha/Martin 

Links will open in a window / Stories are rated from PG- NC 17

"One Night" by Nicola PG 13 -- It's not like Danny fucks everyone who passes through their office.

"Back and Forth by Nicola PG-13 -- He can't give her romance; won't give her games; doesn't feel the same lurid desire as Jack and Martin to rip out her heart and exchange it for his own.

"The Midnight Hours" by Caroline Crane PG -- New Year's Eve in the recovery room.

"If At First, At Second" by meltyoudown R -- Dreaming about things that could never be wasn't easy, Samantha knew.

"Burn-Out" by Sandrine -- That she isn't sorry for what has happened doesn't mean she has no regrets.

"If At First, At Second" by meltyoudown R -- Dreaming about things that could never be wasn't easy, Samantha knew.