Dr. Who gen fic recs

Nine   Jack   Mickey   Rose   Ensemble

Links will open in a window / Stories are rated from PG- NC 17

"Nine and a Half" by astrogirl2 PG -- "You know, Rose, I'm sure you have the most lovely cerebellum..." Zombie fic.

"Leave the light on" by Cherry Ice PG -- The summer Jack was fifteen, his sister stepped out of the world. "Gone for pomegranates," the note on the kitchen table said, black marker and a backward slant.

"Sittin' in the Dirt" by Voleuse PG -- Drinking and waiting and living.

"Nine and a Half" by astrogirl2 PG -- "You know, Rose, I'm sure you have the most lovely cerebellum..." Zombie fic.

"Dreamers Often Lie" by Camilla Sandman R -- She's just a girl. Nothing to fear. - Wonderful style and a great characterization of Rose. - Rose/Nine

"Human Activities" by sheldrake R -- In order to study an ecosystem it is necessary to consider the way in which organisms interact with each other within the ecosystem. - Rose, after the Doctor

" A Phantom of Clouds" by Doyle PG 13 -- "If the next sentence out of your mouth contains the word 'orgy', I'm going back to my igloo."

"Jackie Tyler in the Fourth Dimension" by cryptile PG 13 - Jackie Tyler hates time travel. NEW