X-Men het fic recs (Comic & Movie)

Emma/Bobby  Emma/Scott  Pyro/Rogue  Rogue/Bobbie 

Links will open in a window / Stories are rated from PG- NC 17

"Diamonds of Ice" by paxnirvana R -- Cold comfort

"Winding Sheets" by Cherry Ice R -- Bobby finds out about Emma and Scott.

"Winding Sheets" by Cherry Ice R -- Bobby finds out about Emma and Scott.

"Still-waking sleep'" by monkeycrackmary -- But in the night, when the masks were gone and the world was still and silent, all he had was himself.

"Feed Me To The Tabloid Monster" by Trollprincess PG-13-- Bobby and Rogue are married and want to have a baby, but things don't turn out quite the way they planned. A mockery of everything mpreg.