
~ September 26, 2008 - new recs in:FPF: Buffy/Angel (slash), BSG (het, slash, threesome), Doctor Who (Gen, het), Eureka (slash), Gossip Girl (het, slash), Heroes (slash), History Boys (slash), House MD (gen, slash, threesome), Jeeves & Wooster (slash), Live Free or Die Hard (slash), Once a thief (threesome), OZ (slash), Prison Break (slash), Psych (slash), Robin Hood (gen, slash), Sarah Connor Chronicles (gen, het), SGA (gen, het, slash, threesome), Supernatural (Gen,Slash), Torchwood (het, slash, threesome),Twilight (het, slash, threesome), Veronica Mars (het), Mythology (slash), Cross over (het, slash) ,Misc Gen (Justice, Moonlight), Misc Het (Iron Man, Labyrinth, The Middleman), Misc Slash (Batman, Being Human, Blood Ties, The Breakfast Club, Fantastic Four, Good Omens, Iron Man, Jericho, Justice, Primeval, The Tudors, Velvet Goldmine) RPF: misc acting (slash), Sports (slash: F1, Figure Skating, Tennis), SGA (slash), Supernatural (slash), Other (slash) VIDS: Gen (BSG, SGA, crossover)
~ March 09, 2008 - new recs in:FPF: Buffy (femslash), Doctor Who (Slash), Harry Potter (Gen, Slash, Femslash), History Boys (gen, slash), House (gen), Kitchen Confidential (slash),OZ (slash), Nochnoi Dozor (gen), QaF (slash), Robin Hood (gen, het, slash), Rome (slash), SGA (gen, het, slash, threesome), Supernatural (slash), Torchwood (gen, slash), Misc Gen (Dexter, Space: Above and Beyond, Ugly Betty, Wonderfalls), Misc Het (Bourne Identity,The Sarah Connor Chronicles, The Simpsons, Tru Calling), Misc Slash (American Pie,Cruel Intentions,Fantastic Four, Jericho,Latter Days, Moonlight, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang,Psych,Star Trek TOS, Rent,The 4400, The Matador, Things to Do Before You're 30, Top Gun, Threesome), Misc Femslash (The sarah Connor Chronicles), Cross Over (Gen, Slash) RPF: Acting (Het: BSG, Slash: Torchwood, X-Men), Sports (Slash: F1, Figure Skating, Swimming), Supernatural Acting (Slash), SGA Acting (slash)
~ December 17, 2007 - new recs in:FPF: Alias (slash), BSG (femslash), Constatine (slash), CSI (gen), Firefly (gen, het), Heroes (slash), History Boys (slash), House (het, femslash), HP (gen, slash), Lost (slash), NCIS (slash), Robin Hood (het, slash), Scrubs (slash), SGA (gen, het, slash, femslash, threesome), Smallville (het), SPN (het, slash), Torchwood (slash), X-Men (het, slash) misc gen (Bones, First Monday), misc het (Bones, Dexter, Moonlight), misc slash (Bones, Moonlight), misc threesome (The L Word, Moonlight) crossover (gen, het, slash) RPF: SGA Acting (slash), SPN Acting (slash), Misc Acting (Slash - cross over, Firefly, Heroes, LotR), Sport (slash - Figure Skating, F1) VIDS: Gen (crossover, 300, Firefly, SGA), Slash (Heroes, SGA, X-Men)
~ September 14, 2007 - new recs in:FPF: BSG (femslash), Doctor Who (threesome), Harry Potter (gen, het, slash, threesome), Heroes (het, slash), History Boys (slash, threesome), House (slash), PotC (het, slash), Prison Break (slash), Rome (slash), SGA (gen, slash, femslash), SPN (slash), TFTF (slash), Thoughtcrimes (het), Torchwood (gen, het, slash) Misc gen (Traveler), Misc het (Profit), Misc femslash (Ugly Betty) Crossover (het, slash, femslash) RPF: Misc Acting (slash-Heroes),SPN Acting (slash) VIDS: Gen (HP, SPN), Slash (SGA)
~ June 30, 2007 - new recs in:FPF: Alias (het), Brimstone (slash), BSG (gen), BtVs (femslash), Firefly (gen, slash), Harry Potter (slash), History Boys (slash), Heroes (slash), House (gen, het, slash), Lost (slash), Nochnoi Dozor (slash), PotC (het, slash), Robin Hood (het), Rome (gen, het, slash, threesome), SGA (gen, het, slash, femslash), Shakespeare (slash), SPN (gen, slash, threesome), Torchwood (gen, slash), Veronica Mars (het), X-Men (slash), Misc Gen (Ugly Betty), Misc Het (Profit, Ugly Betty, Traveler), Misc Slash (Lord of War, The Tudors), Cross Over (slash, het) RPF: SPN Acting (slash), Sport (slash) VIDS: Slash (Lost)
~ March 3, 2007 - new recs in:FPF: BSG (gen, het), BtVs (gen, het), Constantine (other), Dr. Who (het, slash, femslash), Firefly (het), House (het, slash), HP (gen, het, slash), Lost (gen), OC (slash), Once a Thief (slash), Robin Hood (slash), Rome (gen, het, slash), Scrubs (slash), SGA (gen, het, slash, threesome), Smallville (het, slash), SPN (gen, het, slash), The Fast & The Furious (slash), Torchwood (gen,het,slash), Misc Gen (Batman Begins,Heroes, Igby Goes Down, Prison Break ), Misc Het (Thoughtcrimes, Tru Calling, Ugly Betty), Misc slash (Casino Royale, First Monday, History Boys, Igby Goes Down,Imaginary Heroes, The 4400, Top Gun, Ugly Betty), cross over (gen, het,slash) RPF: SGA Acting (slash), SPN Acting (slash), QAF Acting (slash),Music (het), Sport (Slash) VIDS: gen (SGA), slash (Cross Over, SGA, Torchwood)
~ January 20, 2007 - new recs in:FPF: Brimstone (slash), BSG (gen, het), BtVs (gen), CSI (slash), Dr. Who (het), House (het, slash), HP (slash), Lost (gen), Nochnoi Dozor (slash), OC (threesome), PotC (gen), PotO (het), Robin Hood (slash), Rome (slash), SGA (gen, het, slash, threesome), Scrubs (gen), Smallville (gen), Supernatural (gen, threesome), Torchwood (gen, slash), WaT (slash), Misc gen (Dexter, Heroes, Justice, Neverwhere), Misc het (Before Sunrise/Before Sunset, Brick, Cabaret, Casino Royale, Dexter, SG-1, Ugly Betty), Misc Slash (28 days later, Cabaret, Casino Royale, Dracula, Gone with the wind, History Boys, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, cross overs (gen, slash) RPF: SGA Acting (slash). Misc acting (slash) VIDS: Gen (Matrix, SGA)
~ December 3, 2006 - new recs in:FPF: BSG (gen), BtVs (slash, femslash), Dr. Who (gen, het), Grey's Anatomy (slash), House (gen, slash), HP (het), OZ (slash), PotC (gen, slash), SGA (het, slash), SPN (gen, het, slash), Torchwood (gen, het, slash), Veronica Mars (het), X-Men (gen) cross over (het), misc het (Robin Hood), misc slash (Robin Hood) RPF: Misc acting (slash), SPN Acting (slash)
~ October 29, 2006 - new recs in:FPF: BSG (gen, het, slash, femslash), BtVs (femslash), Dead like me (gen), Doctor Who (gen, het),Grey's Anatomy (slash), House (het,slash), HP (gen, het, slash), LOST (slash), OZ (slash), PotC (gen,slash), QaF (slash), Scrubs (slash), SGA (gen,het,slash,femslash, threesome), SPN (gen, het), VM (het), Wat (slash), X-Men (gen), crossover (gen, threesome) RPF: Misc Acting (slash), Sport (slash), Other (slash) VIDS: BSG (het), Numb3rs (slash), SGA (het), Star Trek (slash)
~ September 10, 2006 - new recs in: FPF: Alias (gen), BSG (gen, femslash), BtVs (gen), CSI (slash), Dr. Who (het, slash), 2F2F (slash), House (het, slash), HP (slash), PotC (het, slash), QaF (gen), SGA (gen,het,slash,femslash), Smallville (slash), Supernatural (gen, het, slash), Veronica Mars (gen), WaT (gen,het,slash) X-Men (gen) crossovers (gen), Misc het (Elisabeth, Start Trek), Misc slash (Elisabeth, The Matador,Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Star Trek), RPF: Supernatural (slash), misc acting (slash) VIDS:House (het), LOST (gen), SGA (slash)
~ July 27, 2006 - new recs in: FPF: Alias (gen, slash, femslash), BSG (gen,het,femslash), BtVs (gen, femslash), Cross Overs (gen, slash), Dr. Who (gen), Firefly (gen, het), House (het, slash), HP (gen, het, slash, threesome), Kichen Confidential (slash), Nochnoi Dozor (gen), OZ (slash), Scrubs (slash), William Shakespeare (slash), SGA (gen, slash), Smallville (slash), Spooks (slash), Supernatural (gen,het,slash), QaF US (gen, slash), Ultraviolet (slash), Veronica Mars (gen, het, slash, threesome), X-Files (het), X-Men movieverse (gen, het, slash, threesome) Jurassic Park 3, One Tree Hill (all in misc gen),One Tree Hill (all in misc het), Fantastic Four, Jurassic Park 3, One Tree Hill, Three Musketeers (all in misc slash) RPF: QaF US (slash), Sport (slash) VIDS: gen (Alias, BtVs, Firefly, X-Men), het (X-men), slash (The Fast & the furious, Supernatural), femslash (Buffy)
~ May 25, 2006 - new recs in: FPF: BSG (het, femslash), BtVs (het), CSI (gen), Firefly (gen, slash), Grey's Anatomy (slash), Harry Potter (het), House (het,slash), OC (slash), OZ (slash), QaF (het, slash), Rome (slash), Stargate: Atlantis (slash), Supernatural (gen, slash), X-Files (het,slash), X-Men (gen, slash) Scrubs (misc slash), cross over (gen, slash) RPF: Brokeback Mountain (slash), Supernatural (slash), QaF (slash), Misc Actor slash, Misc sports slash VIDS: Gen (BSG), Het (BSG)
~ April 22, 2006 - new recs in: FPF: Alias (het,slash), BtVs (gen, femslash), BSG (gen, het), Firefly (het, slash), House (gen, het, slash), HP (het, slash), Les Misérables (slash), LOST (slash, threesome), OZ (slash), Rome (slash), Shakespeare (slash), Veronica Mars (gen, het, slash, threesome), QaF (slash), X-Files (slash), X - Men (gen, slash) Cross over (gen, slash) Supernatural, King Kong (misc gen) Dead like me, Grey's Anatomy (misc het) Bright Lights, Big City, Grey's Anatomy, Madagascar, Tigerland (misc slash) RPF: Misc acting (slash), Sports (slash) Videos: Alias (het), Buffy (gen), BSG (gen, het), Veronica Mars (het, slash)
~ February 14, 2006 - new recs in: FPF: Alias (gen,het,slash,threesome),Bret Easton Ellis (slash),Brimstone (slash), Buffy (gen,het,slash),Constantine (gen), Dawson's Creek (het) Firefly (gen,het,slash),House (gen,het,slash), HP (gen,het,slash), Les Mis (gen,het,slash) Nochnoi Dozor (slash), Numb3rs (slash), OZ (slash), QaF US (slash),Rome (het,slash),Shakespeare (slash), Smallville (slash), X-Men (slash), 10 things I hate about you, 28 days later, Brotherhood of the wolves, Dead like me,King Kong, Narnia,The Silmarillion (misc gen), Beautiful Girls (misc het) 28 days later, Alexander, Batman begins, Blackhawk Down, Blade,Brotherhood of the wolves, Closer, Cruel Intentions,Jurassik Park 3,King Kong, Nip/Tuck, Scrubs, The three musketeers (misc slash) Quills (misc threesome) RPF: Misc Actor (het,slash), Brokeback Mountain (slash) , Supernatural (slash), Queer as Folk US (slash) Mythology: (het) Original: (m/m)
~ December 13, 2005 - new recs in: FPF: Alias (het,slash), Cross Over (slash), Harry Potter (gen,het,slash), LOST (slash,femslash) Nochnoi Dozor (slash), House (gen,het,slash,threesome) X-Files (slash), X-Men (slash), Gattaca, Rome ( all in misc slash), Dead like me, Supernatural (all in misc gen) RPF: Swimming (sport gen,sport slash); also a few new links
~ November 19, 2005 - the archive was started with about 900 recs in more than 100 fandoms